I’ve currently been using the Solarus Engine, the Solarus Engine is an opensource ActionRPG engine that allows you to make The Legend of Zelda style games, to make Island Waves. I thought of the base idea after I saw the movie Max with my cousin and one of our friends, I’ll post more on the plot of Island Waves later. Now the only downside to Solarus is the the quest builder uses LUA scripting and I don’t know LUA script, I’ve tried my hand at it while using the tutorial on creating a Garrys Mod hud which didn’t work even though I copied it work for word.
Now about the browser, I’ll be using either Mozilla’s Gecko or Google’s Blink. This browser will replace NekoWB, my Java based web browser using a edition of Webkit made for Java.
I have also been reading Finding Why’s by B. A. Ware which has given me an idea to add to Island Waves, if any of you have read it you’ll know just what I’ll add.